Search Results
Friday the 13th: The Game - Savini Jason `Shadow` (Infinite SHIFT)
Friday the 13th: The Game - Cracked Savini Jason with a hacked level. (recorded April 21, 2020)
Friday the 13th: The Game - Cheater Savini Jason (infinite SHIFT) + teamplayer (rec. 31 Oct., 2019)
Friday the 13th: The Game Savini Jason Hacker Cheater with infinite shift
Friday the 13th: The Game - Cheater `Superman` (cracked Savini Jason, infinite SHIFT, aim teleport)
Friday the 13th: The Game - Cheater Savini Jason `Lucky` using an infinite SHIFT + teamer
Friday the 13th The Game - Savini Jason (LESNAR) again with an infinite shift.
Friday the 13th The Game - (Pinehurst) Savini Jason with an infinite shift
Friday the 13th The Game - `Lesnar` Jason Savini with an infinite shift #2
Friday the 13th the game: Unreleased Kills with FreeCam
Friday the 13th The Game - Match vs cheater Jason Part2 with an infinite SHIFT (my side)
Friday the 13th: The Game - Nerac as Jason with an infinite SHIFT (reupload because of copyright)